Tag Archives: cyanotype

Van Dyke Brown on cyanotype

Van Dyke Brown on cyanotype

It is possible to combine cyanotype with Van Dyke Brown to obtain dual tone prints with blue shadows and brown highlights.
Searching for a cyanotype black toning

Searching for a cyanotype black toning

Searching for a cyanotype black toning, to intensify blue dmax and obtain an almost neutral print.
Ammonia in cyanotype tonings

Ammonia in cyanotype tonings

Two bath Cyanotype toning with ammonia and tanning agent to obtain an infinity variety of cyanotype dualtones.
Basicity and color of cyanotype

Basicity and color of cyanotype

Influence of basicity on the color of Cyanotype: the results using cheap and slightly basic paper are visually superior.
Tea toned posterized cynotype

Tea toned posterized cynotype

A special tea toned posterized cyanotype print.
Paper for cyanotype: the winner is Bristol 350g

Paper for cyanotype: the winner is Bristol 350g

Bristol 350g: low-cost, deep shadows, high weight, fine detail for cyanotype.